For one year from the date of submission of the order, Xilinx grants free access to the xilinx Technical Support website for the licensed materials listed above, where Licensee`s engineers can access (1) bug fixes and other updates for a kernel that Xilinx makes available free of charge to all currently supported licensees of that kernel; and (2) reference documents on the difficulties that can often arise when installing, configuring, and operating a kernel. 3.1 Reverse Engineering. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to derive the source code of the Software Product, and you may not adapt, translate, port or otherwise modify the Software Product. 3.2 Separation of Components. The software product is licensed as a single product. Its components must not be separated for use outside the intended material. 3.3 Transfer. You may not assign, sublicense, transfer, encumber, rent, lease, share your rights under this Agreement, or permit any third party to use the Software Product, and this Agreement will automatically terminate upon unauthorized use. 3.4 Dual Media Software. You can obtain the software product on more than one medium.
Regardless of the type or size of media you receive, you can only use one media suitable for the hardware. You may not use or install the other media on additional hardware, and their use is subject to the terms of this Agreement. 9.1 Product support for the Software Product is provided by Mellanox or its authorized representatives under a separate agreement in accordance with mellanox`s standard support and maintenance terms. For product support, refer to the Mellanox support number provided in the hardware documentation. However, support is not available for VMA components or for components that have not been tested by Mellanox and have been adopted by OFED “as is”. 8.1 Except as expressly permitted herein, no part of the Software Product, including but not limited to the object code and source code and printed materials accompanying the Software Product, may be reproduced, modified, distributed, republished or otherwise used for any purpose, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of Mellanox. 8.2 Subject to Section 8.4 below, all right and title to the Software Product and all modifications, enhancements, additions, corrections, modifications and/or derivative works of the Software Product, whether manufactured by Mellanox or by you, are the exclusive property of Mellanox. The software product is protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
8.3 The Mellanox name, Mellanox OFED and all other Mellanox trademarks, service marks, trade names and logos are the property of Mellanox and may not be used in connection with products or services not owned by Mellanox without the prior written consent of Mellanox. All other trademarks, service marks, trade names or logos mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. 8.4 This Software Product works with or is affiliated with certain free third-party software, the details and restrictions of use of which are set forth in the attached “Third-Party Free Software Rights Notice”. If you wish to obtain source code in accordance with the GPL or LGPL licenses for the items listed in the Appendix, please contact Mellanox at the address provided at the following address: “Authorization Codes” means all FLEXlm license keys, license files, license manager, dongle or other keys, codes or information issued by (or on behalf of) Xilinx and for the use of the Licensed Content are mandatory. 4.7 Licensee may not pledge, rent, lease, lend, lend, share time, sublicense or otherwise transfer the Licensed Material. 11.4 Effects of Termination. Upon termination of this Agreement, the licenses and rights granted by Xilinx under this Agreement will terminate and Licensee will destroy the Licensed Material, including all copies and derivative works, and all related documentation, and confirm such destruction to Xilinx in writing. .
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