Another concept proposed by Jung was the persona, which he called the mask we adopt. According to Jung, we create this character consciously; However, it stems from both our conscious experiences and our collective unconscious. What is the purpose of the persona? Jung believed it was a compromise between who we really are (our true self) and what society expects of us. We hide the parts of ourselves that do not correspond to society`s expectations. 1. Describe the difference between extroverts and introverts in terms of what`s energizing for everyone. Sigmund Freud is a neurologist from Austria, and he gave the theory of psychoanalysis, which is a clinical method of treating psychopathology by creating a dialogue between the patient and the psychoanalyst. He redefined the concept of sexuality and gave Oedipus the complex, which forms the basis of psychoanalytic theory. He gave the concept of the unconscious, which consists of Him, me and Superego. After his disagreement, he stressed that he was not a disciple of Freud. He gave the theory that every individual, to overcome inferiority, works to achieve superiority.
He also gave the concept of “lifestyle”. His theories are considered important for the therapy and development of children. He influenced many famous psychologists such as Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Karen Horney, Rollo May, Albert Ellis, etc. His works include The Neurotic Constitution, The Education of Children, Understanding Human Nature, Understanding Life, The Practice and Theory of Individual Psychology, etc. Jung`s split from Freud was based on two major disagreements. First, Jung, like Adler and Erikson, did not accept that libido was the main motivator in a person`s mental life. Second, although Jung agreed with Freud`s concept of a personal unconscious, he considered it incomplete. In addition to the personal unconscious, Jung focused on the collective unconscious. Alfred Adler, a colleague of Freud and the first president of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society (Freud`s inner circle of colleagues), was the first great theorist to separate from Freud ([link]). He then founded a school of psychology called individual psychology, which focuses on our desire to balance feelings of inferiority.
Adler (1937, 1956) proposed the concept of inferiority complex. An inferiority complex refers to a person`s feeling that they have no value and do not meet the standards of others or society. Adler`s ideas of inferiority represent a major difference between his thought and freud`s. Freud believed that we were motivated by sexual and aggressive impulses, but Adler (1930, 1961) believed that feelings of inferiority in childhood made people superior, and that this pursuit was the force behind all our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. 2. Horney contradicted the Freudian idea that women crave penises and were jealous of a man`s biological traits. Horney discussed that jealousy due to the greater privileges that men often have was more culturally based, and that the differences between men`s and women`s personalities were rooted culturally rather than biologically. Horney also suggested that men might have uterine urge because men can`t give birth.
Karen Horney was one of the first women to train as a Freudian psychoanalyst. During the Great Depression, Horney moved from Germany to the United States and later distanced himself from Freud`s teachings. Like Jung, Horney believed that each individual had the potential to realize himself and that the goal of psychoanalysis should be to move towards a healthy self rather than exploring the dysfunctional patterns of early childhood. Horney also disagreed with the Freudian idea that girls crave penises and are jealous of male biological traits. According to Horney, any jealousy is most likely cultural, due to the greater privileges men often have, meaning that the differences between the personalities of men and women are culturally rooted rather than biologically. She further suggested that men have uterine craving because they can`t give birth. The difference between Adler and Freud is that Adler is a doctor and also a psychotherapist. While Freud is a neurologist. Adler is the founder of the school of individual psychology, while Freud is the founder of psychoanalysis. Freud gave the theory of dream analysis. Adler, while part of Freud`s team, separated from him to form his own school of thought. Jung also suggested two attitudes or approaches to life: extroversion and introversion (Jung, 1923) ([link]).
These ideas are considered Jung`s most important contributions in the field of personality psychology, as almost all personality models today incorporate these concepts. If you are extroverted, then you are a person who is energized by being extroverted and socially oriented: you get your energy from being with others. If you are an introvert, then you are a person who can be calm and reserved, or you can be social, but your energy is derived from your inner psychic activity. Jung believed that a balance between extroversion and introversion best served the goal of self-realization. Alfred Adler proposed the concept of the inferiority complex. Adler also believed in the importance of social connections, since childhood development was born of social development rather than the sexual stages described by Freud. Adler stressed the interrelationship of humanity and the need to work together for the betterment of all. He said: “The happiness of humanity lies in cooperation, in living as if each individual had set himself the task of contributing to the common good” (Adler, 1964, 1). 255) with the principal objective of psychology in “recognizing the equality and equality of others” (Adler, 1961, p.
691). Alfred Adler is best known for the formation of his school of thought, known as the Adlerian School or Individual Psychology. He gave various theories, and one of them is the inferiority and inferiority complex, which constitutes a greater part of man in his personality. Originally a colleague of Sigmund Freud, he later dropped out to found his school. He was also one of the founding members of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society. He also helped Freud develop psychoanalysis. Who is Adler and who is Freud? Alfred Adler, an Austrian physician and psychotherapist, proved to be closely associated with Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychiatry, who popularized theories of oppression, the defense mechanism, and the unconscious. After establishing individual psychology, Adler also partnered with Freud and his other colleagues to strengthen the psychoanalytic movement. Adler has also become popular for his concept of the inferiority complex, which appears to have a direct impact on self-esteem and overall mental health. He also supported the works of Nietzsche, while Freud did not like the idea of reading something of Nietzsche.
Surprisingly, Freud seemed to have adopted some of Nietzsche`s ideas later in his more recent publications such as the concept of the death instinct (the innate desire to die) and the desire for life. 3. What is your birth order? Do you agree or disagree with Adler`s description of your personality based on his theory of birth order, as described in the link to learning? Give examples of support. Neo-Freudians were psychologists whose work followed Freuds. They generally agreed with Freud that childhood experiences are important, but they reduced the focus on sex and focused more on the social environment and the impact of culture on personality. Some of the notable neo-Freudians are Alfred Adler, Carl Jung, Erik Erikson and Karen Horney. Neo-Freudian approaches have been criticized for being philosophical rather than based on solid scientific research. For example, Jung`s conclusions about the existence of the collective unconscious are based on myths, legends, dreams, and art.
Moreover, as with Freud`s psychoanalytic theory, neo-Freudians based much of their personality theories on their patients` information. .
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